About Us

Web Design
Social Media

About Our Services

In an ever-changing educational landscape, its vitally important that your organisation keeps up. At Twice Times we can support and ensure you are fully ready for the modern day world. We have a team of specialists, all with an educational background, that can find the most creative solutions to the challenges you face.
Our technology team have a huge range of experience in creating modern day websites and managing your social media needs. We work with schools to update their online presence and ensure it creates and sends the message you want. It’s a real must these days with nearly everyone having a smart phone or tablet these days.
We can support schools create bespoke partnerships with sports, arts and wellbeing organisations or even create unique curriculums and products for you. We are able to advise, create and manage additional funding streams for schools either through launching small enterprises or applying for grants for any special projects.
With funding cuts. budget and time pressures challenging all schools in all sectors, we are here to help. We aim to work with you to ensure you can focus on the most important aspect of creating and sustaining an Outstanding education Get in touch today and see how we can take the pressure off.

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We help schools think more entrepreneurially and be less reliant on government funding. We can create unique small enterprises in partnerships with schools ranging from recruitment and tuition hubs to sports or arts holiday clubs and camps. It’s a great way to show your children how business works too.


We can support schools with applying for a range of grants or alternative funding. If you have a special project that you need funding for get in touch and we can support you through the process. We can launch crowdfunding pages for schools and apply for grants on your behalf.

Global modern day solutions in your hands